
UNDG Eastern and Southern Africa: Social Protection Issues Brief

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In Eastern and Southern Africa, nearly half of the population lives on less than US$1.25 a day, making social protection a vital safeguard against poverty and deprivation.  Over the last several years, the development agencies of the United Nations have joined forces to increase access to social protection in many of these countries, scaling up modest efforts and inaugurating new ones where they did not exist.  

Whether through through joint teams or planning exercises, common office space or shared financial resources, the UN system has come closer together to deliver techncial assistance to governments and other constituents in the region and make social protection coverage a reality for more and more people.  

This new publication from the collaborating agencies of the UN Social Protection Floor Initiative (SPF-I) details what is being done to create and improve social protection instutitions, policies and administrative capacities in the region, while jointly implementing the social protection components of the Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Development Agenda.  It also outlines several of the many new and innovative ways in which the UN is increasingly "delivering as one" in the area of social protection.

Report 12810