
How to get to 100 - and enjoy it!


UNECE takes you on a trip to your future! To celebrate the International Day of Older Persons on 1 October, UNECE launches the official opening of the exhibition “How to get to 100 - and enjoy it!”

Increasing life expectancy, staying active and healthy for longer, prolonged working lives – these are today's realities.

Preparation for an enjoyable old age has to start early. Therefore, Population Europe presents an exhibition that takes a life-course approach and leads the visitors through birth, early life-years, family, migration, work and career, intergenerational solidarity and more.

The exhibit attempts to reverse fears about ageing, showing the enjoyable parts without brushing over its challenges. It shows how every single person is concerned and how at the same time demographic change is a societal challenge.

This interactive exhibition uses tablet computers taking the visitors into a virtual world, with expert interviews, data, questionnaires and other games. 

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