Assessment Based National Dialogue

SPF Good Practices Guide

Module 6


This module explains the process of building the assessment matrix in detail. It aims to create a shared diagnosis of the social security situation, identify policy gaps and implementation issues, and propose new or expanded SPF provisions. The module provides a methodology to be used to complete the matrix and to come up with shared recommendations to complete the social protection floor.

Key questions

  1. What is the structure of the assessment matrix?
  2. What are the benchmarks to assess the social protection situation?
  3. What are the main parameters to describe existing schemes?
  4. What are policy gaps and implementation issues?
  5. How to qualify and quantify policy gaps and implementation issues?
  6. What methods can be used to progressively develop a shared diagnosis of the social security situation and recommendations for new or expended SPF provisions?

Takeaway message

The assessment matrix is used to understand the social protection situation of the country. This situation is usually linked with the country’s sense of social justice, culture, and history. The social protection situation can be described by reviewing existing laws and regulations and by gathering information on the effective implementation of social protection schemes. By comparing the social protection situation with the social protection floor’s objectives, a number of policy gaps and implementation issues may be identified and discussed among stakeholders. Finally, recommendations shall be formulated to close the gaps, overcome implementation issues, and achieve a nationally defined social protection floor.



Part 1 - Developing the assessment matrix
Part 2 - Constructing the matrix for Thailand
Part 3 - Questions and opinions