
Gilles de Robien, the Delegate of the French Government to the ILO, explains the social aspect of the French Presidency of the G20, 24 May, Geneva

Gilles de Robien laid out four main priorities of the French Presidency of the G20: employment, social protection floor, fundamental rights and policy coherence. Concerning the Social Protection Floor, de Robien explained that these floors serve as social and economic stabilizers that absorb shocks and bring stability. Through these floors, countries should strive to expand coverage broadly to vulnerable groups, such as the poor, children and the elderly poor. Certainly, a single normative social protection floor model does not exist, according to de Robien.  Countries would instead be able to apply the concept of a floor as they see fit following their own timetables and national contexts. The G20 meeting would thus be used as a platform for the exchange of experiences, ideas and lessons learned.   De Robien also envisaged the ILO playing an important role monitoring the implementation of social protection floors and helping with the exchange of successful experiences in other countries.  

To access the full text Strengthening Economic and Social Policy Coherence Discussion Guide click here.

Events 24.05.2011 - 24.05.2011 Archived