Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation Board

The Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation Board is a light, lean and agile interagency coordination mechanism - composed of representatives of international organizations and bilateral institutions - to enhance global coordination and advocacy on social protection issues and to coordinate international cooperation in country demand-driven actions.

The establishment of the Board responds to to the request of the G20 Development Working Group.

The first Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation Board meeting took place on 2 and 3 July 2012 in New York at the UN headquarters, the second SPIAC-B meeting was held on 29 October 2012 in Hyderabad, India and a third SPIAC-B meeting took place on Monday 11 February in New York concurrent with the Commission for Social Development. Related info can be found on the ILO-NY website.

The next SPIAC-B meeting will take place in Brussels on 29 October 2013 at the Word Bank Brussels Office.

Focal points of the participating international organizations and bilateral institutions


Please find here the Terms of reference of the Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation Board.
  • A Social Protection Assessment of Results and Country Systems (SPARCS) technical workshop took place on 26-27 June 2013 at the World Bank Washington office.
  • An inter-agency working group on Social Protection statistics and indicators has been established. The idea is to work towards mapping the various ways social protection coverage is currently measured across organisations and the different indicators used and developing greater coherence between organisations in the way that social protection coverage is defined and measured. A first workshop on “Mapping existing international social protection statistics and indicators that would contribute to the monitoring of social protection extension through Social Protection Floors”  took place at the ILO in Geneva in March 2013. For more info, click here.
  • Issues Note on Social Protection in the Post 2015 Development Agenda - More info on the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
  • A video conference was organized on Tuesday 20 November with Mr. Olivier De Schutter (Special Rapporteur on the right to food) to explain the idea of a Global Fund for Social Protection - Summary.

Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation Board and the Social Protection Floor Initiative: how are they related?

Social Protection strategies of international organizations - recent developments

  1. The World Bank’s Strategy and Social Protection Systems
  2. UNICEF Social Protection Framework
  3. ILO Social Security Strategy
  • Outcome - Possible activities of the Social Protection Interagency Board:

Show and Tell - Presentations:


  1. ILO’s presentation on the actuarial, social budget, expenditure review and impact assessment tools
  2. Presentation World Bank: SPARC(S)-ing the Agenda on Social Protection Systems
  • Inter-agency collaboration at the country level
    1. Inventory of ongoing and planned country cooperation activities as a basis for both information-sharing and signaling on cooperation. SPIAC-B members are invited to send the secretariat updated information on partnerships at the country level.
    • Knowledge sharing and Capacity building
    1. Inventory of ongoing/planned capacity building activities as a basis for both information-sharing and identifying possibilities for joint activities: World Bank courses 2013, ILO courses 2013
    • Post 2015 Information
    1. Post 2015 UN Development Agenda - Matrix: secretariat-driven and the government-driven processess
    2. Social protection: A development priority in the post-2015 UN developmentagenda - Thematic Think Piece




    The last SPIAC-B meeting took place on 11 February 2013 in New York concurrent with the Commission for Social Development. The meeting covered three topics: (i) social protection advocacy in the context of the deliberations on the Post-2015 development agenda, (ii) inter-agency joint work at the country level, and (iii) cooperation in the field of social protection statistics.

    Specific work plans were agreed to achieve outcomes in the above mentioned areas.

    Kindly be reminded that all SPIAC-B members are invited to update information on:

    • Partnerships at the country-level, based on the proposed matrix (Inventory), as a basis for both information-sharing and signaling on cooperation;
    • The list of planned core global events and trainings to be organized by your institution in 2013: Calendar 2013


    Information related to 3rd SPIAC-B meeting:

    1. Opening Session: Social Protection in context of the Post 2015 Development Framework -
    2. Session 1: Inter-agency collaboration at the country level - SPARCS concept note
    3. Session 2: Cooperation on Social Protection Statistics
      • Joint proposal on international social protection data harmonization
      • Report Inter-Agency Social Protection Financing Workshop, organized by ODI/DFID and the World Bank on social protection financing (London, 6 November 2012). International organizations agreed on the preparation of terms of reference for cooperation in the areas of standards, coordination and harmonization, country level coordination and capacity building. In session 2 of the meeting we will have a discussion of potential ways to strengthen collaboration on producing, consolidating and disseminating social protection statistics, including standardization of terminology and classifications, harmonization of data collection efforts databases and support to countries in improving their capacity to produce reliable social protection data.
    4. General information

    The fourth meeting of the SPIAC-B took place in Brussels on 29 October 2013. Click here for more information.


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