ASEAN Seminar on Unemployment Insurance, Income Security Measures and Active Labour Market Policies Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, 20-22 March 2012

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Viet Nam, with the support of the ASEAN Secretariat, have organized a tripartite ASEAN Seminar on Unemployment Insurance, Income Security Measures and Active Labour Market Policies which took place during 20-22 March 2012 in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

The Seminar shared experiences and knowledge, rose awareness, and built synergies among initiatives to promote unemployment insurance (UI), as well as other income security measures and active labour market policies to support the unemployed and vulnerable workers in the ASEAN. Sixty represententatives of Ministries of Labour, Social Security Offices, Workers’ and Employers’ organizations, civil society organizations of the ASEAN member States, as well as experts, representatives of the ASEAN Secretariat and ILO Specialists participated in this Seminar.

The Seminar adopted thirteen recommendations to improve income security and guarantee for decent employment to all formal and informal economy workers in the region.

Ho Chi Minh City Recommendations on Income Security and ALMPs in ASEAN

The Seminar was kindly sponsored by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare of Japan, through the ASEAN-ILO/Japan Project on Unemployment Insurance and Employment Services in ASEAN. The ultimate goal of the project is to further promote and implement income and employment security measures for the working age population of the ASEAN countries.

Proceedings of the seminar


Terms of Reference


List of Participants

Press Release


Wednesday 21st March 2012 

Session I: Social Security Extension: ILO Conventions and framework

Session II: Unemployment situation in ASEAN

Session III:  Promoting Unemployment Insurance and Employment Services in ASEAN

Session IV: Building National Consensus on UI and employment services

Thursday 22nd March 2012

Session V: Protecting and creating employment security for vulnerable workers

Session VI: The Single Window Service: concept, design and implementation

¿Session VII: Challenges for the promotion of income security for the informal economy workers

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