International legal framework for migrants' social protection

Everyone as a member of society has a right to social security. This right is looked out for in universal declarations made by the UN. Also, a number of ILO international labour standards have been adopted in the field of social security, which lay down social security rights for workers and their families and formulate concrete obligations for Member states. These international instruments also include provisions for migrant workers.

United Nations instruments

ILO social security instruments

ILO migrant-specific instruments

Other ILO instruments

  • Also, the ILO Anti-Discrimination Convention No.111 in the Declaration of Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work furthers the idea that migrant workers should have equal access to social security, without differentiation between migrants and nationals.
  • Equality Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention, 1925 (No. 19) guarantees to nationals of any member state that has ratified the Convention, and who suffer personal injury due to work accidents, equality of treatment with national workers without any condition as to residence.
  • ILO Plan of Action for Migrant Workers and its supplementing Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration can assist national governments and social security institutions of member states in acquiring the necessary knowledge and competences in order to improve or create social security agreements