
IPC-IG releases Poverty in Focus, March 2014: Protagonist Women

International Policy Centre on Inclusive Growth

The International Policy Centre on Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) - UNDP released the new Poverty in Focus No. 27, March 2014: Protagonist Women. This issue of the Poverty in Focus highlights examples of women taking the lead in an antagonistic society, including articles focusing on the extension of social protection coverage to women. The publication explores the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, which has made major strides in enhancing social protection for rural women workers in India. This article is followed by a look into the dynamics at play for the more than 43.6 million female domestic workers globally, then specific insight is provided into the case of BrazilA broad overview of global initiatives dedicated to women’s empowerment via social transfers is also presented. Bolsa Família in Brazil and self-help groups in India serve as detailed examples of social protection programmes that facilitate women leading their own empowerment.

Read the Poverty in Focus No. 27, March 2014: Protagonist Women.

Publicaciones 19.03.2014 - 19.03.2014 Archivadas