Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) in the Kyrgyz Republic

This workspace aims to manage the ABND project in the Kyrgyz Republic and to share information on the process and results. The ABND process started in December 2014. A roundtable "Assessment of SPFs of the Kyrgyz Republic based on National Dialogue" was organised by the government and the UN country team to discuss the ABND and its relevance, and come up with a schedule for the organisation of the ABND in the Kyrgyz Republic and a modus operandi.

The ABND in the Kyrgyz Republic follows three steps: (1) preparation of an ABND matrix, (2) converting recommendations into optimal policy options and costing exercise, (3) finalisation of the findings and submission to the government.

The ABND is based on a national dialogue composed of representatives from the government, workers and employers organisations, the civil society and development partners. A technical team supports all the steps of the ABND.


The Launch of the ABND in the Kyrgyz Republic was organised on 4 December 2014, at Park Hotel, Orozbekov street, 87, Bishkek.

Welcoming words:

  • Vice Minister of Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Dr. Sabine Machl, UN Women Representative for Kyrgyzstan/UN RC Officer in Charge: UN in the Kyrgyz Republic

Overview of Social Protection System in the Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Social Development of KR: download the presentation (available in Russian)

What is Social Protection Floor? Download the presentation (in English or Russian) and learn about the ILO’s strategy for the extension of social security and the role of international social security standards, especially the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012, No. 202 (Mariko Ouchi, ILO).

What is Assessment Based National Dialogue and how does it work? Download the presentation (in English or Russian) to get more familiar with the ABND objectives and methodology. (Valerie Schmitt, ILO)

Main recommendations from the workshop:

  • The ABND of social protection is relevant and timely
  • It is important to assess the whole social protection system which requires inter-ministerial coordination
  • The matrix should reflect the priorities of the country, with a special emphasis on disabilities, emergencies, migrations, wages, etc.
  • The national dialogue will require broad consultations with policy makers, and the work of a technical unit composed of experts from participating ministries and institutions

Additional resources:

  • A condensed 1-page document summing up all relevant information about, and links to the ABND Good Practices Guide (in English or Russian)
  • A 3-page document emphasising the participatory approach and the structure of the ABND (in English or Russian)
  • List of participants (available in Russian)
  • Programme of the roundtable (in English or Russian)

Photos: Click here to have a look at the photos taken during the roundtable.

The 1st ABND in the Kyrgyz Republic was organised on 17-19 June 2015

On 17–19 June technical and political meetings to discuss the Social Protection Floors (SPF) were held in Koi-Tash and Bishkek upon an initiative of the Ministry of Social Development within the frames of the first social protection assessment based national dialogue (ABND) exercise. The meeting of the working group (agenda (Eng) and list of participants (Rus)) and the National Dialogue high–level round table (agenda (Eng) and list of participants (Rus)) were organized under the auspices of the ILO which has provided technical support to the development of the assessment matrix and the recommendations for the social protection system reform in the Kyrgyz Republic. The concept of assessing Social Protection Floors is based on the ILO Recommendation No. 202. The Kyrgyz Republic was the first country in the CIS to organize the ABND exercise. Artiom Sici, Social Protection Officer, DWT/CO for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, presented the legal part of the assessment matrix (presentation on Social Protection System (Rus)).

This was the second meeting in the extended format, where representatives of state institutions, employers’ organizations, trade unions, nongovernment and international organizations took part. Speaking at the roundtable (speech (Rus)), Minister of Social Development Kudaibergen Bazarbaev said that the social protection floors require strong inter–agencies collaboration. “We are talking about a wide range of issues, many of which are beyond the Social Development Ministry mandate”, he said.

Also was presented at the National Dialogue the assessment matrix with policy gaps, implementations issues and recommendations (presentation PG, IS and R (Rus)) for SPF in Kyrgyzstan. Artiom Sici noted that the matrix covers four social protection floor guarantees, including access to medical services (presentation on gaps, obstacles and recommendations identified by the WG members (Rus)); social protection of children (presentation (Rus)); social protection of working–age population (presentation (Rus)); and social protection of elderly people (presentation (Rus)). After the presentation and discussion the participants formulated several additional proposals concerning the matrix. 

See also: 

Assessment matrix ABND in Kyrgyzstan    

(English and Russian)

Preliminary costings are reflected in the presentation

(English and Russian)

Calculation of scenarios is under elaboration and will be reflected in the final report on “Social Protection Floor: Assessment Based National Dialogue in the Kyrgyz Republic”.

The 2nd ABND in the Kyrgyz Republic was organised on 17-19 February 2016, at Park Hotel, Orozbekov street, 87, Bishkek.

First part (17-18 February 2016): Technical meeting

Welcoming words: 

  • Mr. Erik Kuikeev, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Mr.  Ram Saravanamuttu, UN Resident coordinator a.i. in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Ms. Mariko Ouchi, ILO Senior social protection specialist, DWT/CO-Moscow.

Presentations on Costing and Policy assessment presented by Ms. Valeria Nesterenko, ILO Statistician, Ms. M. Ouchi, ILO Senior social protection specialist and Mr. Artiom Sici, ILO Social Protection officer:


Also see a dditional resources:


Second part (19 February, 2016): High-level roundtable

Welcoming words:

  • Ms. Kudairbedieva Gulmira, Vice Prime-Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Ms. Babaeva Rysgul, Deputy Chairman of Federation of Trade Union;
  • Ms. Dungaeva Elmira, General Secretary of the National Confederation of Employers;
  • Mr. Bolotbek Orokov, ILO National Coordinator in the Kyrgyz Republic. 

Presentations on ABND and National Priorities of the Kyrgyz Republic: 

  • ABND and next steps presented by M. Ouchi (English and Russian)
  • National Priorities presented by Ms. Alybaeva Janyl, Head of Department of the Ministry Labour and Social Development (Russian)

Ms. Alybaeva Janyl, presented 24 priorities identified by subgroups and two main and two additional priorities selected and agreed by all the members of the Technical Working Group (2+2).

The main priorities:

  • Increasing the pension level
  • Increasing the monthly benefit to low income families with children

Additional priorities:

  • Improving social service system
  • Increasing the maternity benefit level

Also see additional resources:

Resolution of the 2nd ABND (English and Russian)

Workshop report (English)


Video (English and Russian)

Additional resources:

- Decree on Interagency working group (Comprehensive programme on family, maternity, childhood support for 2017-2022) (English and Russian

Social Protection Assessment-Based National Dialogue. Towards a Nationally Defined Social Protection Floor in the Kyrgyz Republic (English

Оценка на основе национального диалога по вопросам социальной защиты. На пути к национально установленному минимальному уровню социальной защиты в Кыргызской Республике (Russian)

3rd ABND, Technical group meeting, 28 June, 2017

Welcoming words:

  • Ms. Kadenova Zuurakan, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Mr. Orokov Bolotbek, ILO National Coordinator in the Kyrgyz Republic 


  • ABND in the Kyrgyz Republic, its outputs, ILO Recomendation 202 and Kyrgyz Social Protection System (in Russian), Mr. Artiom Sici, ILO Social Protection Officer in Tajikistan, DWT/CO-Moscow
  • Costing methodology, description of scenarios and cost forecasts (in Russian), Ms. Valeria Nesterenko, ILO Social Protection Officer (Statistician), HQ Geneva

After the presentation and the round of Q&A, participants were divided into 3 groups. Based on different scenarios presented by V. Nesterenko and tips for discussion, each group had to select the most suitable and balanced scenarios, taking into consideration the national context. Also, it was proposed to consider short and long term perspectives (i.e. what kind of achievements we may have by 2022, 2030 and 2040).

The most agreed scenarios which were selected as priorities for maternity protection benefit are:

  • by 2022 (a) to improve the coverage of formal workers, farmers and self-employed and (b) to increase the benefit level based on inflation or up to 3,000 KGZ;
  • by 2030 (a) to extend the coverage to informal workers and (b) to increase the benefit level up to subsistence minimum;
  • by 2040 (a) to cover all women and (b) to increase the benefit level up to 2/3 of average or previous wage.

Agenda of the roundtable (in English)

Assessment Kyrgyzstan
٣١٢٧ ABND: A good practices guide
٣١٢٥ Social Protection Profile
٣١٢٦ Technical meetings