ABND Workshop of the Secretariat of the Drafting Committee for the National Social Protection Strategy, 28-29 April 2015

At the first national dialogue workshop on the ABND exercise on 26 April 2013, it was decided to establish an inter-ministerial committee that would be in charge of overseeing the ABND exercise and working towards a national social protection strategy. The Drafting Committee for the National Social Protection Strategy was appointed on 9 September 2013, chaired by H.E. Ms. Baykham Khattiya, Vice Minister of Labour and Social Welfare. The Secretariat of the Drafting Committee consists of technical level representatives of line ministries and has been charged with carrying out technical work for the ABND.

The Secretariat of the Drafting Committee had its initial meeting on 28-29 April 2015 to provide inputs and recommendations on the social protection floor assessment in Lao PDR.

The workshop was attended by members of the Secretariat of the Drafting Committee, including representatives from line ministries, the Social Security Organization and employers' representatives.

The objectives of the workshop were:

  1. Sharing information on the background and purpose of the Assessment-Based National Dialogue exercise and the Social Protection Floor concept
  2. Sharing details on the ABND methodology and process, and the steps and tools involved
  3. Reviewing the ABND work plan
  4. Reviewing the initial assessment of the social protection situation
  5. Gathering information and providing comments for the Assessment Matrix, through detailed discussion on each Social Protection Floor guarantee
  6. Facilitating discussion on the key recommendations to fill social protection gaps

Participants collaborated in a group exercise to discuss existing social protection provisions, issues in implementation of schemes and legislation, coverage gaps in the current social protection system as well as recommendations for addressing these implementation issues and gaps.

As an outcome of the workshop, it was agreed to hold further bilateral consultations with relevant government institutions as well as with other stakeholders in order to prepare a preliminary assessment report including an assessment of existing social protection provisions, policy gaps and implementation issues, along with stakeholders' qualitative recommendations for extending a social protection floor in Lao PDR. This report will be the basis for the next national dialogue workshop with the Drafting Committee for the National Social Protection Strategy and other stakeholders, in order to reach a consensus on the choice of recommendations and policy scenarios for a subsequent costing exercise as part of the ABND process.


Workshop concept note and agenda

Presentation 1: Social Protection Floors (English, Lao)

Presentation 2: The ABND process (English, Lao)

Presentation 3: Overview of social protection schemes for the assessment matrix (English, Lao)

Presentation 4: Policy gaps and implementation issues (English)

Group exercise instructions: Filling the assessment matrix (English)

List of participants

Minutes and group work results