Access to health protection: Financial protection

Financial hardship frequently occurs due to loss of income during sickness

In terms of health care, financial protection addresses both the financial barriers to accessing needed health care and the loss of income during sickness. If absent, financial hardship might occur resulting in impoverishment or deepened poverty.

Minimizing OOP and providing cash sickness benefits and sick leave are crucial to addressing deteriorating health, health-related poverty and loss of productivity. The financing mechanisms for paid sick leave are usually similar to those for health care, involving some form of taxes, i.e. payroll taxes, and contributions shared by employers and employees.

Paid sick leave legislation exists for in 145 countries globally. However, the benefits provided differ widely with regard to definition of work, wages covered, level of income replacement, duration of payments and other specific conditions. Where legislation exists, coverage is provided to formal sector workers and workers in the informal economy are excluded from income replacement during sickness. But also those who have the right to paid sick leave might not take it up, because they fear losing their jobs, particularly in times of economic crisis and/or high unemployment.

Global variations in cash sickness and sick leave benefits

Aspect of benefit Variations in provision/eligibility
Definition of work applied
  • Exclusion of work not provided under employment contract e.g. domestic work and self-employment
  • Limitations regarding minimum working hours per week/month
Wages covered
  • Effective wages received before the period of leave, with or without supplements for dependants; average earnings; wage ceilings
Period of leave
  • Between one day and two years
  • Minimum and maximum periods
  • Often limited to a single disease
Income replacement rates
  • Vary from lump sum to 100% of wages
  • Means testing
  • Waiting times
  • Differences for short-term and long-term sickness
Other specific conditions
  • Waiting times
  • Previous contribution payments
  • Medical certificates
Source: ILO 2014 (ESS Paper), based on Scheil-Adlung/Sandner (2010)

Minimum replacement rates of wages at global level in per cent, 2007

Countries providing for paid sick leave (in %) Minimum replacement rates of wage (in %)
21 100
14 75
51 50
14 N/A
Source: Scheil-Adlung/Sandner (2010)


Data on the level of financial protection: Total (public and private) health-care expenditure not financed by private household's out-of-pocket payments (percentage) - Excel