
Progresar Programme: Argentina expands social protection floor

The Argentinean Government has launched the new Progresar Programme for young people, scaling up the already existing programme Jóvenes con más y mejor trabajo that provides social coverage to young people through training and labour market insertion. The Progresar Programme is part of the Argentinean Government policy to extend the social protection floor in the country.

The Progresar Programme targets young people between 18 and 24 years of age who are unemployed, have informal jobs or receive a salary below the minimum wage. The programme provides an economic incentive of 600 Pesos; in return, beneficiaries must comply with the conditions of school attendance and annual medical checkups. Within days of the programme’s launch, over 1500 young people had applied for the benefit. 

Watch the presentation video (in Spanish):

To learn more about the Programme, visit the Progresar Website (in Spanish).

Media 06.02.2014 - 06.02.2014 Argentina Social protection policy , Education , Employment policy , Unemployment , Conditional cash transfers Archived