
ILO-Royal Government of Cambodia technical workshop on "Integrating Social Policies and the Delivery of Social Protection Floors"

ILO Bangkok

The ILO and Royal Government of Cambodia organized a technical workshop on the Integration of Social Policies and the Delivery of Social Protection Floors (SPFs) in Siem Reap, Cambodia, 29-31 May 2013. The goal of a SPF is to ensure that everyone has access to affordable essential health care, and that everyone, particularly children and the elderly, have a guarantee of income security throughout their lives. The opening ceremony was assisted by prominent people from the Kingdom of Cambodia – H.E. Yim Chhay Ly, Deputy Prime Minister Chairman of the Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD); H.E. Yuji Kumamaru (TBC), Ambassador of Japan; and H.E. Jean-François Cautain, European Union Ambassador to Cambodia – as well as Ms Mega Irena, Head of Division at ASEAN Secretariat, Mr Maurizio Bussi, Director of the Decent Work Technical Team at ILO-Bangkok; and Mr Francisco Simplicio, Chief of Division at UNDP-New York’s Special Unit for South-South Cooperation.          

Over a hundred guests representing workers' and employers' organizations, civil society, academicians, embassies and international organizations from across the world attended the workshop. A group of experts from ASEAN and other countries in Asia and the Pacific (e.g. Australia, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, Viet Nam), as well as Latin America (e.g., Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia), Africa (e.g., South Africa, Zambia) and Europe (e.g., France) shared their experiences in the development of coherent national social protection strategies.

The workshop focused on the improvement of coordination among policies and schemes at the cross-ministerial, national and regional levels; the design of integrated packages of services and transfers; the link between employment and social protection, as well as the implementation of integrated delivery mechanisms, following a 'Single Window Service' approach to increase outreach and efficiency. Finally, it focused on capacity building of sub-national administrations and the empowerment of local bodies.

For more information, please visit the workspace.

Events 29.05.2013 - 31.05.2013 Cambodia National strategies , Social protection floor Archived