
The ILO, the European Union and the Honduran Ministry of Labour and Social Security organized a training workshop for the social security institutions in Honduras

Fabio Durán-Valverde

The International Labour Organization (ILO), along with the European Union and the Honduran Ministry of Labour and Social Security held the seminar-workshop “Improving governance, financing and legal framework of social security schemes in Honduras”.

In order to extend decent working conditions in the country, the project “Actuarial, legal and governance support to the social security systems in Honduras”, implemented by the ILO with the support of the European Union, organized the seminar-workshop “Improving governance, financing and legal framework of social security schemes in Honduras” in Tegucigalpa from July 3rd to July 5th, with the participation of officials from the Honduran Institute of Social Security (Instituto Hondureño de Seguridad Social – IHSS), the National Social Security Institute for Teachers (Instituto Nacional de Previsión del Magisterio – INPREMA), the National Social Security Institute for Government Workers (Instituto Nacional de Jubilaciones y Pensiones de los Empleados y Funcionarios del Poder Ejecutivo –INJUPEMP), the Social Security Institute for the Military (Instituto de Previsión Militar – IPM), the Social Security Institute of the National Autonomous University (Instituto de Previsión de la Universidad autónoma de Honduras – INPREUNAH) and the central government. The opening ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Labour, Jorge Borgarán Perdomo and the Chargé d’Affaires of the Delegation of the European Union, Laurent Sillano.

On behalf of the ILO, the workshop was attended by Fabio Durán Valverde, Social protection specialist for the ILO,  Geneva, Sergio Velasco, Social protection specialist for the ILO Office for Central America, Haiti, Panama and Dominican Republic, and Maya Stern Playa, consultant on International Labour Standards.

The seminar addressed a set of strategic issues for the social security system in Honduras, such as good practice in the governance of social security institutions, including the extension of coverage to independent workers, actuarial valuations, ILO conventions and recommendations, the ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102) and Recommendation 202 concerning national social protection floors, as well as social security financing systems.

The workshop was closed with a positive assessment from the participants, who noted that the event was successful in meeting the objectives set and in involving of all the stakeholders.

The workshop participants also pointed out the relevance of the ILO Project on Social Insurance for the reforms required by the social security institutions in the country and reaffirmed their willingness to contribute to its advancement.

Finally, the participants provided valuable input for the development of the reports drawn up for this project, specifically those related to the implementation of Convention 102 and the improvement of governance in social security institutions.

See the workshop pictures.

Events 03.06.2013 - 05.06.2013 Honduras Governance , Social insurance Archived