
South-South ASEAN study visit to Mongolia

In October 2014, a delegation of ASEAN officials, composed of representatives of Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand, travelled to Mongolia to learn more about the country’s experience in delivering social services and benefits through single-window service points.

The study trip, sponsored by the ILO/Japan Project Income Security and Employment Services in ASEAN, Mongolia (ILO/Japan MAPS Project) and the joint ILO-UN Office of South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) project on South-South and Triangular Cooperation, was designed to build capacities of ASEAN officials through South-South exchange of experiences and expertise.

The study visit contributed to current government efforts in Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand. In Cambodia, the government is setting up single-window centres for the delivery of social protection and employment services, called the Social Service Delivery Mechanism (SSDM), which also includes the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation protocol. In Indonesia, the government is also currently piloting similar integrated services in two provinces of the country. In Thailand, such an approach is also being discussed to deliver social services more effectively.


The one stop shop: The Mongolian experience for delivering social protection and employment services

The ILO/Japan MAPS Project (2014-2015) aims to extend social protection floors in ASEAN and Mongolia.

The ILO-UNOSSC project aims to support countries from the South in the design, implementation, monitoring or harmonization of Social Protection Floor policies and components through knowledge exchange and international learning.

Events Mongolia , Cambodia , Indonesia , Thailand Administration , Informal economy workers , Rural workers , Social assistance , Social protection floor , Social services , Benefits , Social transfers Archived