
Philippines endorses the SPF and ABND exercise at APEC Ministerial Meeting in Hanoi

The 6th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Human Resource Development Ministerial Meeting was held in Hanoi, Viet Nam on 6 September 2014, under the theme “Promoting quality employment and strengthening people-to-people connectivity through human resources development.” The meeting had three sub-themes: (1) supporting inclusive and sustainable growth, and addressing the social dimensions of globalization; (2) enhancing human resource quality to meet supply chain demands; and (3) facilitating the mobility of labour and skills development. The Joint Ministerial Statement "emphasizes the significance of appropriate labour and social protection measures, particularly with respect to training and up-skilling" and "supports enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of social protection measures and systems".

In the Philippine Statement at the meeting, Hon. Reydeluz D. Conferido (Undersecretary, Department of Labor and Employment, Philippines), on behalf of H.E. Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz (Secretary, DOLE, Philippines), emphasized the crucial role of social protection and the establishment of a nationally-defined social protection floor (SPF) in APEC countries. The statement provided that: "On the pillar of social protection, universal minimum guarantees are essential to inclusive growth and are at the heart of the social dimension of globalization. The Philippines calls on APEC economies to be guided by the recently adopted ILO Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202) which establishes four sets of minimum social guarantees. Such guarantees should be provided to all residents and all children, as defined in national laws and regulations, and subject to existing international obligations".

The Statement also mentioned that "The Philippines is committed to complete its assessment based national dialogue (ABND), to determine its nationally-defined social protection floor on the four guarantees, to implement its Enhanced Social Protection Framework and Strategy." Philippines is currently conducting an ABND exercise, through research assessments and social dialogue involving government departments and social security agencies, worker and employer organizations, civil society organizations, and UN agencies. The exercise aims to assess the social protection, employment and disaster reduction programmes in the country, and provide concrete inputs to the implementation of the national Enhanced Social Protection Framework and Strategy.

Download the Philippine Statement at the APEC Ministerial Meeting.

Read more on the online workspace of the ABND exercise in Philippines.

Other 16.09.2014 - 16.09.2014 Philippines Assessment Archived