
Health for All - Universal Health Coverage Day

Two years ago on 12 December, the United Nations unanimously endorsed a resolution urging governments to ensure all people have access to quality health care without financial hardship. On 12 December 2014, a global civil society coalition will urge that universal health coverage be a cornerstone of the sustainable development agenda and a priority for all nations.

The United Nations resolution on universal health coverage affirms:

• The right of every person to have the opportunity for the highest standard of health
• The responsibility of governments to urgently scale up universal access to quality health care
• The promise of health for all to create a fairer, more resilient society

Health for all is an attainable goal. More than 70 countries of all income levels have already taken steps toward universal health coverage.
Inclusion of universal health coverage in the sustainable development agenda will hold countries accountable for greater action.

Flyer of the event.

Visit the Website of the Health for All - Universal Health Coverage Day

Events 12.12.2014 - 12.12.2014 Social health protection , Universal benefits Archived