
EU/ILO Project Holds Workshop on Review and Valuation of the Employment and Social Protection Studies in Cambodia, 7-8 November 2011

The EU/ILO project “Improving social protection and promoting employment” organised a workshop in Cambodia on 7-8 November 2011 to present the social protection and employment studies produced in the framework of the project to the representatives of Cambodian workers, employers and government. The workshop was designed to foster the development of a national consensus-building process on the topic of policy choices in social protection and employment.

The programme consisted of presentations of the project’s findings by ILO’s social protection and employment experts, as well as of panel discussions, group work and debate with the participation of the representatives of the three social partners.

For more information and access to the presentations of the workshop, click here.

Formations 11.11.2011 - 11.11.2011 Archivées