
The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors discusses ILO Recommendation 202

The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, a coalition of more than 80 NGOs and trade unions, will organize a side-event to the official meeting of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) to discuss “The Social Protection Floor: a critical step in realizing the right to universal social security for all”.

The event will focus on ILO's Social Protection Floors Recommendation 202, its importance in extending social security and the need to engage the CESCR in recognizing the Recommendation as instrumental to the realization of the right to social security. It will more specifically address the following issues:

  • Why is the ILO’s Social Protection Floor so important especially for developing countries?
  • Why should the CESCR be engaged to ensure the global implementation and monitoring of Recommendation 202?
  • What are the challenges in establishing and managing social security systems?

The event will take place on Friday, 21 November 2014, 13.00 – 15.00, Room RS 1, Palais Wilson, and will have the following panel of specialists:


  • Priti DAROOKA, Executive Director, The Programme on Women's Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, India


  • Viennarat CHUANGWIWAT, Independent Consultant, Thailand
  • Katja HUJO, Research Coordinator, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
  • Manuel MONTES, Senior Advisor on Finance and Development, The South Centre, Switzerland
  • Judith RANDEL, Executive Director, Development Initiatives, United Kingdom
  • Valerie SCHMITT, Chief, Social Policy, Governance and Standards Branch, Social Protection Department, International Labour Organization
  • Timo VOIPIO, Senior Adviser, Social Policy and Decent Work, Department for Development Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland
Eventos 21.11.2014 - 21.11.2014 Archivadas