2017 Zambia Social Protection Week


The Second Edition of the Zambia Social Protection Week was hosted by the Government of Zambia through the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and Ministry of Labour and Social Security with support of the United Nations in Zambia. This year, the Social Protection Week was held under the theme “Inclusive Sustainable Social Protection: Leaving No One Behind” and took place at the Government Complex in Lusaka, Zambia from Tuesday 28 November to Friday 1 December 2017. 

The Social Protection Week was characterised by a series of sessions that took place concurrently on various topics that included, The state of Social Protection in Zambia and in the Region, Social Protection and the Link to Agriculture, Towards Universal Health Coverage for All, Mainstreaming disability, Maternity Protection at Work,  An Integrated Legal Framework for Social Protection In Zambia - The Upcoming Social Protection Bill, Social Protection for the Aged,  Nutrition Sensitive Social Protection, Child Sensitive Social Protection, Covering the informal economy, Social Protection Colloquium, Supporting Women Livelihoods and Empowerment, Social Protection Research Fair and Decentralization and Social Protection.  

An average of 150 participants coming from various sectors of society such as  Government, Social Partners, Cooperating Partners, Civil Society Organizations, Social Security institutions, Academia, Faith Based Organizations, Parliamentarians, Media and most importantly the general public took part in the open debates and dialogue to contribute to the development of Social Protection in Zambia.

To view and download presentations made during the Social Protection Week, click here


Workshops Zambia