
Myanmar's last ABND workshop

A third successful national dialogue on social protection convening relevant line ministries, UNCT members, social partners and civil society organization, was held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar September 3-5. Policy scenarios identified during the previous national dialogue in June were costed and social protection floor packages were formulated. The workshop assessed their impact on fiscal space.  The results of this workshop put Myanmar one step closer to establishing a national social protection floor and will assist in developing the National Social Protection Strategy.

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Autres Myanmar sensibilisation / plaidoyer , renforcement des capacités , gouvernance , assistance sociale , stratégies nationales , socle de protection sociale , transferts sociaux , prestations universelles , dialogue social , enfants , politique de la protection sociale , éducation , VIH/SIDA , femmes , invalidité , maternité , évaluation , vieillesse , maladie , survivants , chômage , prestations en nature / en espèces Archivées