
Preliminary findings about persons with injuries

  • English
O'Connell, C. ; Shivji, A.; Calvot, T.
Handicap International
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Summary (English)

This report presents initial findings from Handicap International’s hospital and community actions for persons with injuries. It does not aim to present a comprehensive account and analysis of conditions following the earthquake in Haiti. It aims to provide an overview of the patterns of injuries and the available management, to aid in planning the needed physical rehabilitation and related services, and to guide the development of an appropriate strategy of short and long term follow-up.

Key points:

• To date, HI has assessed / supported more than 600 persons with injuries at hospital and community level in Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, at risk of developing secondary disabilities

• Earthquake-related injuries appear to affect all ages and appear to be equally distributed between males and females

• Approximately 80% of persons presenting to hospital have orthopaedic injuries, with lower extremity fractures predominating

• There appears to be a high prevalence of amputations, both as primary and now secondary interventions

• Complete or partial damage to almost all existing health facilities has significantly impacted on the availability of emergency surgical and medical care

• Quick and unclear discharge & referral procedures of persons with injuries in addition with poor follow-up at community level raises major concerns about the immediate future of these injured persons, many whom are now homeless and have lost family members

• Immediate intervention is required at community level for a proper injury surveillance mechanism and coordinated care and support for persons with injuries and disabilities

• Persons with specific conditions such as spinal cord injuries, amputations, and burns will require long-term support to prevent premature death and promote a good quality of life

Report 1223 Haiti