
International leadership training

  • Inglés
InWEnt Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH
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Resumen (inglés)

The International Leadership Training (ILT) programme offered by InWEnt – Capacity Building International, Germany
– provides training and qualifications for technical and management staff from companies and institutions from
developing and transition countries so that they can then initiate and manage processes of change within their own countries. During their advanced training in Germany, ILT participants spend a year consolidating their technical know-how, along with their management skills and their capacity to implement change. Towards this end, they engage in dialogues with specialised institutions and companies. The core of the ILT programme in Germany is the four-month practical training phase in a company. This is where programme participants can apply and consolidate their newly-gained knowledge and make professional contacts. InWEnt currently offers International Leadership Training in more than 20 sectors, with programmes designed for specific countries, and trains around 400 people a year. Most of the recipients of scholarships selected by InWEnt already have an academic education and two years of professional experience behind them.


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