
ILO's strategy to extend social security. An independent evaluation report

  • English
International Labour Office
978-92-2-123858-4 (web pdf)
xv, 85
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The ILO’s Strategy to Extend Social Security: An Independent Evaluation Report examines the ILO’s strategy for Social Security, and evaluates its success in implementation. The ILO’s operational approach to social protection consists of four key elements:

  1.  Improving access to social protection:   Social protection schemes should be universal, allowing informal workers and vulnerable populations to have access to formal systems of social protection.
  2. Implementing a step by step approach:  The advancement of social protection is a long and often involved process.  The universal provision for a basic benefits package is a first step.
  3. Working within the social, economic and historical framework of each nation:  There is no single “right” model or path to obtain provisions for social protection. 
  4. Focusing on performance:   A well designed social protection scheme will lead to improvements in health and living standards and lessen poverty.  

This report gives a favourable grade to the ILO.  By effectively utilizing technical (actuarial etc.) support for social security financing, governance, and management of schemes, the ILO has provided valuable assistance.  The ILO has been especially effective due to:

  1. Its clear policy position based on adherence and commitment to international labour standards and open dialogue between employers, employees and Nations.  
  2. Its simple, transparent and technically sound models and methods assessment.
  3. Its relationship with partners around the World.

Report 2458