
Frontiers of Social Protection Brief Number 3

  • English
Vincent, K.
Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme ;
External link

Summary (English)

In April 2008, RHVP published a thematic brief on delivery systems for social transfers, reporting on the variety of delivery systems used in the 20 social protection programme case studies that were analysed as part of the Regional Evidence Building Agenda (REBA). With the growing popularity of cash transfers relative to other social transfers, emphasis has shifted to investigating innovative delivery mechanisms that increase effectiveness and efficiency. A number of public (government-to-person) cash transfer projects and programmes, including some covered within the REBA, have experimented with the use of electronic delivery systems. There is a growing body of literature highlighting the benefits of electronic delivery of cash transfers (see, for example, Langhan et al, 2008; Bankable Frontier Associates, 2006) and the acceptability of high technology mechanisms to recipients, so this brief concentrates on perspectives relevant to private sector partners. It elaborates changes in the business environment that have prompted an increase in the potential for electronic delivery systems (including those initially intended for private person-to-person transfers such as remittances), provides an update on the existing use of such systems in Kenya, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland and outlines interest from Ghana, Lesotho and Mozambique.

Other Ghana , Kenya , Eswatini , Malawi , Mozambique , Namibia , Lesotho cash / in-kind benefits