
UNDG Social Protection Coordination Toolkit. Coordinating the design and implementation of nationally defined social protection floors

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UNDG Asia Pacific
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Unlike other government sectors, social protection has traditionally been developed and delivered by several institutions and stakeholders focusing on certain population groups (e.g. workers of the formal sector), delivering specific services (e.g. health care), or certain types of transfers (e.g. family allowances). Therefore, the design and implementation of a Social Protection Floor will require coordination among all of the different organizations involved in the provision of social protection services and transfers. In particular, it is essential to ensure that the floor has universal coverage by combining the different schemes.

In addition to the complementarity of stakeholders described above, coordination is also needed to ensure the efficiency of the social protection system by minimizing duplications (e.g. two organizations delivering the same benefit to the same population at the same time). Coordination could also contribute to improving the effectiveness of the system by combining several benefits and services from different organizations to simultaneously address various dimensions of poverty and social exclusion.

This toolkit provides policymakers and practictioners with an applied, adaptable framework with which to assess the state of coordination in their social protection systems, and provides examples of efforts to improve coordination from different countries around the world.

Guide / manual 11476