Support the implementation of the National Social Protection and Promotion Strategy of Haiti


Project properties

HTI/22/01/RBS Americas Haiti In progress This project is part of the Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All


This intervention aims at supporting the implementation of the National Social Protection and Promotion Strategy of Haiti (Politique Nationale de Protection et de Promotion Sociales - PNPPS), adopted in April 2020. It focuses on supporting institutional reforms of the Office National d’Assurance-Vieillesse (ONA), the Office d'Assurance Accidents du Travail, Maladie et Maternité (OFATMA) and the coordination mechanism Conseil d’Administration des Organes de Sécurité Sociale (CAOSS), in order to upgrade the governance mechanisms of three social security schemes: a) the contributory compulsory old-age insurance, b) the contributory compulsory health and maternity insurance, and c) the contributory compulsory insurance scheme for occupational accidents and integration of the risk of occupational diseases. At the end of the intervention: i) recommendations will be adopted for the modernization and extension of coverage of the social security schemes, with due attention being paid to issues related to women’s and girls’ life-cycle transitions and the need to overcome gender-based discrimination; ii) the governance and financial frameworks of social security institutions (ONA, OFATMA and CAOSS) will be strengthened; and iii) ILO constituents will have enhanced analytical capacities and knowledge to design and monitor social protection policy measures. The above results altogether will also set foundational work for the progressive development of a shock-responsive and more sustainable, comprehensive and adequate social protection system, whereby demonstrating the value added of the Decent Work Agenda in activating the Humanitarian-Development Nexus.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere


01.06.2022 - 31.08.2024


561,021 / 975,471 Development Cooperation , Regular Budget Supplementary Account