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Publications | 30.09.2024
Asia-Pacific achieves social protection milestone, yet challenges remain and new ones emerge with climate change
Events | 08.10.2024 - 08.10.2024
Asian Workers’ Compensation Association Technical Seminar on Employment Injury Benefits for Migrant Workers
Events | 24.09.2024 - 24.09.2024
Global launch of the World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Universal Social Protection for Climate Action and a Just Transition
Publications | 13.09.2024
The ILO World Social Protection Report 2024-26 is out
Media | 13.09.2024
Social protection plays a key role in countering climate change impact but countries most impacted by the climate crisis are the least prepared
Publications | 03.09.2024
ILO regional compendium provides insights on countries’ strategies to extend social health protection coverage in Central and Western Asia
Events | 09.10.2024 - 10.10.2024
Asia Expert Roundtable on Unemployment Protection 2024
Events | 08.07.2024 - 08.07.2024
A tripartite revision of the preliminary study regarding social protection floors in Colombia was carried out
Events | 10.07.2024 - 12.07.2024
A preliminary study on the potential extension of Convention No. 102 ratification in Peru was presented
Events | 03.07.2024 - 06.07.2024
Three-Day Seminar in Chisamba, Zambia, on ILO Social Security Standards
Media | 28.06.2024
ILO Caribbean and BCCI sign Wildey Green Business Support Pilot Agreement
ILO Caribbean Director addresses labour market transformation during regional UN meeting