Viet Nam - Inclusive growth, social protection and jobs


Project properties


The programme focuses on the two areas of social protection and employment through public investment. The goal is that national governments use appropriate, well designed and well managed social protection measures and employment promoting approaches to the delivery of public investments in order to promote resilience, access to services and employment opportunities for poor and vulnerable people, contributing to Inclusive Economic Growth. The purpose of the current programme in Viet Nam is to support the implementation of the Master Plan for Social Assistance Reform MPSAR (within the work of the UN SP team) in concrete areas such as the design of new schemes (including the new Child Grant and extension of social pensions); discussion of fiscal space and budget allocations; development of adequate legal framework; support programme operations and development of integrated models for delivery of social assistance. Following the MPSAR special attention will be given to disadvantaged groups such as ethnic minorities. The work will be coordinated with ILO work in the area of social insurance and component of the project will focus in ensuring articulation between contributory and non-contributory schemes, particularly as a strategy to tackle those in the informal economy. Outcome 1: A comprehensive policy framework is established in Viet Nam, with the financial allocations required to support the implementation of the MPSAR and other relevant policy documents; Outcome 2 – Social protection schemes are designed and reformed and adequate legal provisions are put in place; Outcome 3 - Capacities of Vietnamese stakeholders is enhanced to ensure an effective, efficient and sustainable implementation of social protection; Outcome 4 (partial synergies) Improved operations and M&E.

Level components



  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • 1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
  • 5.4 Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate
  • 10.4 Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality


20.12.2016 - 30.06.2024


1,865,349 / 1,865,349 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

79 VNM/16/54/IRL 12 20 2016 06 30 2024
01 01 2014 12 31 2016 RAF/13/04/IRL Building National Floors of Social Protection in Southern Africa 172
04 01 2016 07 31 2019 RAS/16/03/JPN Promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN 104
12 21 2016 06 30 2024 RAF/17/53/IRL Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI 48
01 01 2017 12 31 2017 RAS/16/52/JPN Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia - Extending Social Security Coverage in ASEAN 85
01 01 2020 05 31 2022 VNM/19/51/UND Accelerating Viet Nam’s Transition toward Inclusive and Integrated Social Protection 676
12 05 2022 12 31 2025 GLO/22/31/IRL Accelerating the Achievement of Universal Social Protection to Leave No One Behind 921


VNM/16/54/IRL Asia and the Pacific Viet Nam Awareness raising / advocacy , Health care , Financing , Gender , Social assistance , ILO standards , Legislation , Children , Informal economy workers , Rural workers , Self-employed , Women , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Old-age , Sickness , Survivors , Unemployment