
Changing the lives of millions of people to allow them to live a life in dignity

Building Social Protection Floors for All

ILO Global Flagship Programme

The human right to social security is still not a reality for more than 4 billion people who are left totally unprotected without access to any social protection benefit.

The ILO's Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All, launched in early 2016, supports the implementation of social protection systems including floors, guided by ILO's social security standards.
Working across 50 priority countries, it aims to change the lives of millions of people by 2025 and provide evidence on ILO's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals on social protection.

Ambition 2025

Legal Coverage

20 million previously excluded people are now covered by law

Effective coverage

30 million previously excluded people have access to social protection

Adequacy and comprehensiveness

10 million previously covered people enjoy higher levels of protection


Our Vision

Our vision is a world where all countries have national social protection systems that:

  • Provide adequate social protection to all their population throughout their lives, prevent poverty, reduce inequality and combat social exclusion;
  • Are not temporary arrangements, but robust, reliable and sustainable mechanisms;
  • Should be built on national consensus achieved through inclusive social dialogue;
  • Should be embedded in law to provide rights and obligations for current and future generations;
  • Should be adequately and sustainably financed.

This includes access to health care, family allowances, unemployment benefits, old age and disability pensions, and maternity benefits, among others, working in tandem with services, including child, health and long term care services.

COVID 19 and my disability won't stop my search for work

Our value proposition

Through its Flagship Programme the ILO and its partners make the shared ambition of universal social protection a reality in at least 50 countries. Through their contribution to the Flagship Programme and synergies across projects, development partners help achieve much wider and sustainable changes than through standalone projects.

Our approach


Boundaries shown do not imply endorsement or acceptance by the ILO. Please click here for more details.



UN Social Protection Floors Initiative



Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors

Social Protection, Freedom, and Justice for Workers Network

Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors

Our results framework


Our progress

Number of institutional changes achieved in countries
Impact on people

Results Monitoring Tool


The employment benefit scheme was designed and its law adopted in November 2020.


ILO supported the Government of Honduras to strengthen the financial governance of its public pension scheme.

Timor Leste

The first social security scheme was established in 2017. A cash-transfer programme was set up to mitigate the immediate effects of COVID-19, reaching almost 300,000 households.


The National Social Security Fund implemented its health and maternity scheme covering 2.5 million workers. The Social Security Law was revised; a new pension scheme was designed and its sub-decree adopted.

Meet our team

180 staff based in 50 countries and territories
Providing support to over 150 countries and territories

Our team covers all branches of social security and supports building social protection systems from A to Z, helping to leave no one behind.

Timely response

A large field presence allows for quick responses to constituent needs, coupled with additional specialized expertise provided through regional specialists and experts in Headquarters.

Adaptable approach

Through recurrent discussions with its constituents, and daily work in the countries, the ILO adapts its approaches to the changing world of work and ensures that social protection systems are responsive to new and emerging challenges.

The Global Technical Team is made up of country teams, regional, and global experts who facilitate support to constituents, document experience, collect and consolidate results, and share good practices across the team.

The Technical Support Facility is a part of the GTT and complements country teams by providing timely and high quality support on strengthening different thematic areas of social protection in line with ILO Standards.

Financing gaps in social protection
Supporting social protection in Thailand

Flagship Documentation



Rapid Social Protection Cost Calculator

This tool supports countries to make rapid adjustments to social protection systems in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Responses to the COVID-19 crisis require an adequate assessment of their impact on the cost of social protection programmes. In normal times, such assessments can be made well in advance and based on comprehensive information and sophisticated actuarial modules. But the COVID-19 crisis is forcing many countries to make rapid assessments.

Social Protection Monitor

ILO's Social Protection Monitor is based on a systematic analysis of media/news published online. The Monitor tracks announcements of measures that affect the functioning of a social protection system, from minor parametric adjustments to major developments and reforms, as well as social subsidies. The Monitor is a useful source to update and complement the comprehensive global social protection statistics reported in the ILO Social Security Inquiry.

Funding Gaps

Our partners have made the Flagship Programme a success!

The budget for implementing the second phase of Flagship Programme from 2021 to 2025 is estimated at 160 million USD of which 81 per cent will be allocated to in-country support, 15 per cent to cross-country policy advice and 4 per cent to the management of the Flagship programme.

Our resource gap is 75 million USD - potential partners can join the ILO today to help meet our goals and change the lives of millions of people.

Our partners
