Results monitoring tool

ILO projects and actions have contributed in the past decade to the achievement of social protection development in over 140 countries in the world.

With the ILO's Social Protection Results Monitoring Tool you can find out more about ILO's past, ongoing and planned projects and the results achieved in the area of social protection, including in the framework of the UN Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions an initiative of the UN Secretary-General launched in 2011. See social protection results in the pathfinder countries.

The Tool was launched in 2016 in the framework of the Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All. All our data is entered on a periodic or annual basis either directly by ILO staff around the world or through the on-line Development Cooperation Dashboard, OBW Dashboard, Decent Work Results Dashboard and the i-eval Dashboard. For data on existing social protection schemes and number of people covered worldwide, see the World Social Protection Data Dashboards.

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