Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)
Burkina Faso
- Résultat 1: La conception, la coordination, le suivi et le financement des régimes et programmes, sensibles au genre et inclusifs, du système national de protection sociale du Burkina Faso sont renforcés en faveur des ODD 1 et 10.
- Résultat 2 : Soutenir les acteurs institutionnels et techniques dans la mise en oeuvre de la couverture sanitaire universelle et le renforcement des mécanismes locaux pour l'extension des régimes et programmes de protection sociale au niveau communal, adaptés en particulier aux besoins des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité et de fragilité temporaire et durable, y compris les personnes déplacées.
- Résultat 3 : Des programmes réactifs aux chocs, adaptés aux besoins des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité, de fragilité et d'insécurité, y compris les personnes déplacées, sont intégrés dans le système national de protection sociale, en cohérence et en synergie avec les régimes d'assurance sociale et les programmes d'assistance sociale et de filet de sécurité sociale
- Outcome 1: Improving partner countries’ design and financing of social protection systems in support of their efforts towards SDGs 1 and 10.
- Outcome 2: Supporting the government in implementing and monitoring effective gender-sensitive and disability-inclusive social protection systems and programmes for all while ensuring financial sustainability and macroeconomic stability.
- Outcome 1: Adequate, sustainable and gender-sensitive social protection financing through improved cross-sector co-ordination in coherence with national macro-economic, fiscal, digital and SDG strategies as well as diversification of sources of financing and increased fiscal space available for all social sectors to progressively achieving universal social protection.
- Outcome 2: Enhanced evidence and availability of tools that support national evidence-based decision-making and encourage supra-national coordination and benchmarking of good practices (including the portability of social entitlements as integral part of economic and labour policies, gender-sensitive and disability inclusive social protection), with participation of regional bodies as well as civil society organisations.
- Outcome 3: Strengthened capacities of partner countries to achieve the best impact of diversified sources of funding for social protection, prioritizing women, children, persons with disabilities, informal economy and migrant workers.
- Outcome 4: Strengthened knowledge and technical capacities of partner countries at national and sub-national levels to plan, deliver, monitor and report on social protection programmes, with participation of training institutions and civil society.
- Outcome 5: Increased capacities of partner countries in the context of emergencies, natural disasters, forced displacements, protracted fragility and crises to establish contingency plans and multi-year funding strategies to run adaptive social protection mechanisms
- Outcome 1: Diagnosis of the Social Protection Policy
- Outcome 2: A series of strategic actions are conducted for the preliminary implementation of a performance-based budgeting model in social protection institutions
- Outcome 3: Coordination of social protection system is improved
- Outcome 4: Public Institutions with better capacities to improve budgeting and service delivery
- Outcome 1 - Improved design and monitoring of SP programs and increased use of evidence on SP impact system contributes to increased coverage of social protection
- Outcome 2 - Social Protection institutions enhance their planning, budgeting and M&E capacities in alignment with the Public Finance Management Reform Programme
- Outcome 3 - Service providers at sub-national level (SNAs) are better able to implement social protection services
Cabo Verde
Viet Nam
Sri Lanka
- Outcome 1: Internal capacities on scheme performance monitoring, data collection for actuarial analysis and actuarial modelling process and outputs are strengthened within NHIMA
- Outcome 2: The cost of expanding social health insurance coverage to non-contributory (SCT) participants is quantified, as well as its impact on the overall financial sustainability of the scheme
- Outcome 1: The Colombian migrant and returnee population can count on recommendations formulated to promote the insertion of this population in a path of employability that strengthens their labour capacities and initiates a fair transition towards formality.
- Outcome 2: The migrant and Colombian returnee population is aware of their rights in terms of social protection, promoting their effective access to the system.
- Output 1: Design and cost of social protection benefits enabling access to employment promotion measures, based on needs assessment of persons with disabilities for labour market inclusion, are endorsed by tripartite constituents and organizations of persons with disabilities
- Output 2: Public finance management of social protection schemes for persons with disabilities is improved
- Output 3: Institutional capacity for the implementation of the adjusted benefits and proposed measures are strengthened.
- Outcome 1: Technical support for the design and implementation of wage subsidies and employment retention in response to the COVID-19 crisis
- Outcome 2: Recommendations on design of unemployment insurance scheme to counter the effects of exogenous shocks
- Outcome 3: Strengthen the knowledge of stakeholders to introduce sustainable social protection programmes
Côte d'Ivoire
- Outcome 1: Increased capacity of government to develop resilient, inclusive national social protection policies, sustainable financing strategies and legal frameworks at Federal and Provincial levels
- Outcome 2: Government enabled to establish and operationalise a high-level social protection coordination, monitoring and evaluation mechanism at Federal level.
- Outcome 3: Increased capacity of Federal and Provincial Governments to plan, budget, implement and monitor extension of contribution –based social protection systems and programmes, overcoming the challenges such as informality, while ensuring financial sustainability of the contributory system.
- Outcome 4: Increased capacity of Federal and Local Governments to revise policies, set standards, oversee, monitor and report the social assistance programmes and to identify options to create fiscal space.
- Outcome 5: Enhanced accountability mechanism at local government level in Province 2 and 6
- Outcome 6: Nepali Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions are meaningfully and structurally involved in the development, implementation and monitoring of policy processes regarding social protection and public finance management due to improved coordination and enhanced capacities.
- 1: Based on the results of the rapid socio-economic impact assessment on the informal sector, recommendations are made and national capacities are strengthened to improve and extend the social protection measures initiated as part of the response to the COVID-19
- 2. Experiences, knowledge and evidence generated from the implementation of social protection measures benefiting actors in the informal economy as a response to COVID-19 are capitalized and recommendations are formulated to accelerate the sustainable extension of social coverage
- 3: An information system, technical and financial parameters and an institutional coordination architecture for the extension of the general social security system managed by the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) and the compulsory health insurance managed by INAM, to the actors of the informal economy are adopted.