Result achieved

31.03.2018 KHM226 Público

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) tripartite board endorsed the ILO recommendations on the operational review of the NSSF

Outcome achieved

In early 2018, the NSSF tripartite board endorsed the ILO recommendations on the operational review of the NSSF and requested for ILO technical assistance in development of the NSSF administration modernization plan to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of its operation.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The operational review of the NSSF with inputs from ILO and through support from the EU-SPS, Wave for Future Foundation and Republic of Korea and UN, was submitted to the NSSF since December 2017. Some substantial progress had been made in 2018 i.e communication strategy developed and a number of tools produced and disseminated through social media campaign and other communication channels.

International Labour Standard

Social Security principles and standards, i.e. Convention 102 and Recommendation 202 were integrated into the draft law on social security where necessary.

Social dialogue

The ILO organised a number of discussion and information sharing sessions on the draft law on social security to social partners at technical and policy levels.