

Situation and Priorities

Social protection situation
Honduras is a lower income country, with high levels of poverty and inequality. In recent years the country has ratified the ILO’s Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102). However, the social protection system is still fragmented and leaves a significant part of the people without adequate protection.

In May 2015, the National Congress of Honduras approved the Ley Marco del Sistema de Protección Social (Social Protection System Framework Law). The Law seeks to benefit approximately 6 million Hondurans living in poverty, as well as to extend protection to 82% of the working population that does not actively contribute to social security. However, the framework law has not engendered the passing of relevant subordinated laws, meaning that coverage has remained constant in recent years, with little available in the form of non-contributory social assistance for vulnerable families.
COVID-19 and other crises
In order to combat the effects of COVID-19, Honduras delivered food packages to 800,000 quarantining families, as well as partially covering the salaries of laid-off workers. (approximately US$ 250 per month). The government also banned the cutting of energy of households during the crisis.
Government and social partner priorities
  • Fully implement the 2015 Social Protection System Framework Law
  • Improve old-age pensions: introduce a non-contributory scheme and improve capacity of the contributory scheme.

ILO Projects and Programmes



ILO Experts

Fabio Duran Valverde
Social Protection and Economic Development Specialist
Rosibel Garay
National Project Coordinator