República Unida de Tanzania


Situación y prioridades

Situación de la protección social

Coverage remains a major challenge for the contributory social security schemes. In 2018, the pension funds had 1.59 million members, which was equivalent to 7.2 per cent of the total employed population of 22 million. In terms of social assistance, the Productive Social Safety Net programme (PSSN) is the country’s main social assistance programme, and it is implemented in Tanzania Mainland and in Zanzibar. It has enrolled more than 1 million poor and extremely poor households, reflecting a coverage of about 10% of the population of Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.  

Despite low coverage, the Government of Mainland Tanzania has continued to deliver non-cash aid in the form of disaster relief, food supplement programmes and school meal subsidies, as well as fee exemptions to facilitate access by vulnerable groups to essential health services and the abolition of school fees at pre-primary, primary and lower secondary levels to promote access and retention. Productive inclusion measures are likewise provided as complementary measures within social assistance programmes

Prioridades del gobierno

The ILO, together with other development partners, have been providing technical and financial support in the review and development of the National Social Protection Policy, which has yet to be approved. The National Five Year Development Plan 2021/22 - 2025/26 was published in June 2021 and sets out 13 areas of key interventions, including: 

  • Extend social protection coverage to both formal and informal sectors
  • Promote inclusiveness and economic empowerment for Persons with Disabilities
  • Strengthen provision of social welfare services including health services and psychosocial support to vulnerable groups and communities

Proyectos y programas de la OIT


Brechas en el financiamiento / Apoyar a la OIT

US$ 600.000

Support implementation of the National Social Protection Policy including extension to the informal economy

Impact: Tanzania is striving of putting in place legal frameworks as part of building strong social protection systems to guide planning, implementation, monitoring and coordination of social protection interventions in the country. The review of National social security policy (2003) to have a comprehensive National Social Protection Policy started in 2018, to be finalized by June 2013 when the revised policy is approved, paving the way for its implementation. Implementation of the policy focus on increasing social protection coverage including extension to the informal economy.
US$ 300.000

Support development of legal framework for social assistance

Impact: Compared to other social protection components in Tanzania, social assistance has no back up of the legal framework. Therefore, an assessment to establish a legal set up and parameters for social assistance.
US$ 500.000

Support implementation of Universal health coverage include development of single national health insurance scheme

Impact: Tanzania is planning to establish universal health coverage (UHC). The UHC bill has been cleared for discussion and endorsement by the Parliament of Tanzania. By implementing the UHC, Tanzania is planning to develop a single National Health Insurance Fund that will be mandated to provide health insurance to all Tanzanians including vulnerable groups. The single National Health Insurance Fund will be regulated by Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority (TIRA). The ILO is planning to provide technical assistance in setting up and implementation of the initiative.

Espacios de trabajo

Expertos de la OIT

Jasmina Papa
Social Protection Specialist