

Situation et prioritiés

Situation de la protection sociale
Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, with a population exposed to various forms of vulnerability. The 2010 Constitution provides for the right to social protection for all and access to basic social services (including health and education). However, some vulnerable groups, including women, children, the disabled, former slaves, and their descendants, continue to face social exclusion and discrimination.

The government and social partners adopted a National Social Protection Policy ('Politique Nationale de Protection Sociale') in 2011, aiming to extend social protection to as many as possible. This policy is currently being updated, with adoption expected in 2020/21. This process is also part of the Government's more comprehensive approach to strengthening the legal and political framework for social protection, which included the passing of the Social Protection Law in 2018. Work is ongoing to consolidate social security texts and adopt a code by 2020/21.
Priorités du gouvernement
One of Niger's top priorities is the extension of social protection in health to achieve universal access to a quality essential health care package. The priority focus on universal health coverage is also part of a strategy to extend social protection to informal workers.

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Experts de l'OIT

Dramane Batchabi
Specialist, Social Protection