

Situación y prioridades

Situación de la protección social

Ghana has achieved favourable socio-economic development and political stability in recent years, made substantial efforts towards improving human development indicators, especially in health and education, and made significant investments in social protection. However, relatively high rates of economic growth have not benefited the population equally, resulting in persistently high levels of poverty in certain areas, in particular the rural savannah and coastal regions.

There has been an increase in the number of activities, projects and programmes related to social protection, such as the National Health Insurance Scheme, the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty programme, the School Feeding Programme, and the free maternal health care programme. However, this has also resulted in duplications and a fragmentation of the social protection system. A stronger monitoring framework and set of indicators to measure progress are recognized as a priority to improve the efficiency of the system.

Significant progress has been achieved in relation to information management systems, particularly with the Social Welfare Information System (SWIMS), and only digital case management system operated by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, intended to enhance the capacity of the staff from the metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies to better register and report on the delivery of services related to child protection, social protection and gender-base violence.

COVID-19 and other crises

Social protection measures taken by the Government of Ghana to respond to the effects of COVID-19 included:

  • Launching a cash transfer fund, with the support of the WFP, of GH¢11 million (US$1.9 million). The funds were distributed to 75,000 workers in the informal economy across three urban regions.
  • Allocating a US$100 million package to the health sector to expand capacity and provide public awareness campaigns.
  • Free water and a 50% reduction on electricity bills were provided for 6 months and 9 months respectively.
Prioridades del gobierno
  • Increase access to formal social security and social insurance for all Ghanaians.
  • intensify the implementation of the national social protection strategy and review the overall national social protection framework, through improving the coordination amongst its various programmes and policies to ensure overall policy coherence and efficiency.

Proyectos y programas de la OIT


In support of government efforts to improve the social protection system in Ghana, in 2020, the ILO assisted in collecting social protection statistics and indicators, using the Social Security inquiry (SSI) that will contribute to reinforce the monitoring framework of progress towards extension of social protection (SDG 1.3). In addition, the ILO and the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) have recently completed an actuarial valuation aimed at improving the design, financial sustainability and good governance of the schemes.

Brechas en el financiamiento / Apoyar a la OIT

US$ 2.000.000

Extension of Social Security to Workers in the Informal Economy

Impact: 1,000,000 - N° of persons effectively covered (related SDG 1.3.1)


Expertos de la OIT

Dramane Batchabi
Specialist, Social Protection
Ricardo Irra
Social Protection Officer