
Disability - Social Protection - Inclusion: Dialogue for change - 16 - 17 March 2022

Following the 2019 Joint Statement on inclusive social protection systems, the disability and social protection communities have worked intensely over 3 years to create momentum, enhance awareness, strengthen capacities, and build stronger evidence on how to build disability-inclusive social protection systems. 

In parallel to the work of WB, GIZ and others, the related UNPRPD financed programme implemented jointly by ILO, UNICEF, and IDA in collaboration with many partners and strong engagement of Disabled persons' organisations (DPOs) has been an important catalyst for this work.

As the programme is coming to an end in March 2022, it is important to take stock of where we stand – and what are the next steps in our journey - to ensure adequate and comprehensive social protection benefits are accessible for all people with disabilities. 

Hence, ILO, UNICEF, IDA, UNPRPD, DFAT, WB, ADB, FCDO, GIZ, Norad, HelpAge, EU, the UN Joint SDG Fund and UN ESCAP are organising this online event with the following objectives:

  • Bring together key actors working on disability-inclusive social protection;
  • Show-case current thinking on key issues of disability-inclusive social protection: what have we done and learnt since the adoption of the joint statement regarding how to strengthen the inclusivity of social protection systems and what questions remain open and require further discussion, research, and experiences?
  • Strengthen momentum for building disability-inclusive social protection systems and create a joint vision on how to move forward.

To this end, the conference will have a high-level segment, with technical sessions on key questions around designing and implementing disability-inclusive social protection policies, programmes, and delivery mechanisms, as well as sessions to report on a series of regional webinars that discussed trends specific to certain country contexts and an event of DPOs.

Sessions will be conducted in English, with simultaneous interpretation in French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic, also counting with Sign Language Interpretation and captioning.

Register here.

Events 16.03.2022 - 17.03.2022 Disability , Social assistance , Social insurance , Social services , Social transfers , Cash / in-kind benefits Archived