
Making universal social protection a reality for people living with, at the risk of, and affected by HIV or TB - 24 February 2022

This webinar will launch a new ILO working paper entitled "Making universal social protection a reality for people living with, at the risk of, and affected by HIV or Tuberculosis".

Only half of the world’s population enjoy effective social protection coverage. Extending social protection coverage for all is a matter of urgency. However, coverage gaps can disproportionally affect people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV and TB, including vulnerable populations (e.g., young people, women and girls, people living with disabilities). These gaps especially affect key populations such as gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgender people, people who inject drugs and prisoners and other incarcerated people. The COVID-19 crisis has placed these populations at further risk. Consequently, effective mechanisms are needed to ensure that social protection systems respond well to the needs of people living with these diseases and are inclusive of all vulnerable groups.

The webinar will discuss the findings and recommendations outlined in the paper. This will provide an opportunity for experts and social partners working in this area to share their reflections on the report and the policy recommendations given.

Register here.

Events 24.02.2022 - 24.02.2022 Health care , HIV/AIDS , Social insurance Archived