
Launch of the ILO Guide on extending social protection for migrant workers, refugees and their families - 10 March 2022

The objective of this webinar is to launch the ILO Guide "Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers, Refugees, and their Families: Guide for Policymakers and Practitioners".

Register here.

The webinar will focus on:

• Unpacking the barriers faced by migrant workers in accessing social protection in destination countries but also upon return to their home countries;
• Presenting the different approaches in extending social protection to migrant workers and their families based on ILO international labour standards and international good practices;
• Discussing the policy options presented in the Guide based on country national actors' experiences and national practices;
• Presenting the perspectives of workers' and employers’ organizations on the content of the guide and policy options.

There will be simultaneous interpretation in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Events 10.03.2022 - 10.03.2022 Migrant workers , Income security , Social assistance , Social protection floor , Social services Archived