
Online discussion on "Social protection to protect and promote nutrition"

FAO and WHO in cooperation with IFAD, IFPRI, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, WTO, WFP and the High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis (HLTF), are jointly organizing the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) at FAO Headquarters, Rome from 19 to 21 November 2014. The ICN2 will be a high-level ministerial conference which will seek to propose a flexible policy framework to adequately address the major nutrition challenges of the next decades. It will also seek to identify priorities for international cooperation on nutrition in the near and medium-term. As part of the preparatory process for the conference, a technical meeting is to be held at FAO Headquarters 13-15 November 2013.

To feed into and inform this meeting, a series of on-line discussions are scheduled to be held on selected thematic areas. The online discussion “Social protection to protect and promote nutrition”, promoted by IFPRI, ODI, IPC-UNDP, UNICEF, WFP and the World Bank as part of the ICN2 Social Protection and Nutrition Task Force, aims to explore how the most disadvantaged and nutritionally vulnerable groups of society - low income, resource poor, food insecure, economically marginalized and socially excluded (especially women and children) -  can be protected by an inclusive development process through the design and implementation of nutrition-enhancing social policies and social protection interventions.

To leave your contribution to this discussion and read more information about it, visit FAO's Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition website.

Eventos 07.06.2013 - 07.06.2013 seguridad alimentaria Archivadas