Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All - Partners meeting 7 October 2021
Under the 1st phase of the SPF Flagship programme (2016 - 2020), the ILO supported over 70 countries in strengthening their social protection systems, encouraged knowledge exchange on a variety of specific areas of social protection, developed a number of practical tools and engaged in strategic partnerships with tripartite partners, the UN family and beyond. Building on these achievements and lessons learned from the first 5 years of implementation, the ILO is now ready to launch the second phase of the Programme.
The Partners meeting which marks the launch of the 2nd phase of the SPF Flagship programme is the opportunity to enhance its partnerships to respond to the needs of constituents, to implement the mandate given by the International Labour Conference to promote universal social protection at country level and globally, and to contribute to the realisation of the SDGs on social protection.
The summary report of the meeting is available here.
More information on ILO's structured funding dialogues is available here.
Partners meeting 13h - 16h (CEST)
- Take stock of the progress made, results achieved and challenges encountered during the 1st phase of the SPF Flagship programme in its 4 key pillars: in-country support, cross-country exchange, knowledge generation and partnerships, complemented by an external perspective from the independent evaluation. Read the Report of the first phase.
- Look at current and future challenges and how countries and development partners can provide concrete and innovative answers to make social protection a reality for all notably through the 2nd phase of the ILO’s Global Flagship Programme. Read the Strategy for the second phase, 2021-2025.
- Join forces to support the SPF Flagship programme through funding, joint work and/ or collaboration in specific areas, including exploring how funding and implementation of the Flagship programme can be better integrated across partners.
The meeting concept note is available here.
High-level opening: The opening of the meeting will be chaired by Ms Martha E. Newton, Deputy Director-General for Policy of the ILO with key note addresses from high level participants.
Presentation: lessons learned from the 1st phase of the Flagship Programme. The Social Protection Department will present key achievements of the 1st phase of the Flagship Programme and main lessons learned that are relevant for shaping the second phase.
Debates on three main challenges and strategies to overcome them: from COVID-19 to the development of resilient social protection systems; sustainable and adequate financing of social protection; achieving universal social protection and leaving no-one behind. These three debates will allow key note speakers, representatives of workers and employers, ILO and UN representatives, partner countries, and development partners to highlight key issues and propose practical solutions, including recommendations for the second phase of ILO Flagship programme.
Presentation: looking forward: the strategy for the 2nd phase of the Flagship programme. The Social Protection Department and the Partnerships and Field Support Department will present the strategy for the 2nd phase of the Flagship Programme including country and thematic priorities and funding needs.
Tour de table: ongoing and future partnerships. Participants are invited to present the priorities of their organizations and to explore how partnerships, including funding partnerships, can contribute to increase the reach and impact of the ILO’s Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All.
The agenda is available here.
Virtual market place 11h - 12h (CEST) and 16h30 - 17h30 (CEST)
The market place will allow a direct exchange between development partners and ILO specialists in the Field and in HQ. It will further provide more in-depth information on specific country projects, thematic and regional approaches, methodologies and tools and the ratification campaign.
The zoom session of the virtual marketplace will allow you to visit different breakout rooms in which the experts will present their areas of work and will be available to respond to your questions.
Morning sessions (11h - 12h CEST)
Promoting unemployment insurance in Asia - organised by the ILO Decent Work Team Bangkok
Extension of social protection coverage to workers in the informal economy: innovative approaches of the 1st phase of the Flagship Programmme - organised by the ILO Decent Work Team Moscow
Ensuring social security rights for migrant workers through promotion of social security agreements - organised by the ILO Decent Work Team Budapest
Digital transformation - organised by SOCPRO experts
Financing Social Protection - organised by ILO experts in the field and in SOCPRO
Towards Universal Health Coverage: Supporting Social Health Protection efforts of Member States - organised by ILO experts in SOCPRO
Interagency Social Protection Assessment (ISPA) Tools - organised by ILO experts in SOCPRO
Afternoon sessions (16h30 - 17h30 CEST)
Social protection and climate change - organised by SOCPRO experts
Disability inclusive social protection - organised by SOCPRO in collaboration with UNICEF
Financing Social Protection - organised by ILO experts in the field and in SOCPRO
Digital transformation - organised by SOCPRO experts
“One02 for All” – A 5-year Ratification Campaign for ILO social security standards - organised by SOCPRO experts