Thailand: Assessment Based National Dialogue Workshop: "Final Results and Recommendations to the Government"

Venue: Persimmon & Cassia Conference room (11th Floor), Banyan Tree Hotel, Thailand 

Date: Friday 16th March, 2012

Time: 8.30 am to 17.30 pm


The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the UN Joint Team on Social Protection have organised the Assessment Based National Dialogue Workshop: "Final Results and Recommendations to the Government"

The objectives of the workshop were to (i) discuss the pre-final draft of the assessment based national dialogue, and notably share the methodology and final results of the costing, (ii) to confirm the relevance of the proposed Social Protection policy options and (iii)  to discuss the next steps (e.g., fiscal space analysis to identify relevant budget allocations & tax policies that could fund the extension of social protection). Based on the recommendations of the workshop, the ILO (UN SPF Team), line ministries, and the academia will finalize their respective reports which will be presented to the Government.


For more information click:

Background | Agenda | Pictures | Presentations | Meeting's Minutes
