National Policy Dialogue, 28-29 March 2012, Cambodia

The National Tripartite Policy Dialogue on “Integrated Employment and Social Protection Policy” took place at CJCC in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 28 to 29 March 2012 and was co-organized by the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MOLVT) and the ILO-European Union Project on Improving Social Protection and Promoting Employment with the aim to support the design of coherent social protection and employment policy in order to reduce poverty in Cambodia. The policy dialogue was prepared to facilitate technical discussion among the tripartite constituents with the following objectives:

  • Validating key policy documents produced under the ILO-EU project;
  • Discussing a draft national action plan and collecting ideas and recommendations from the dialogue members for consideration for the development of coordinated employment and social protection policies; and
  • Organizing media campaign on extending social protection and promoting employment in the country.

Please access the documents related to the event through the links below:

Agenda | Documents | Press releases | Pictures | Project Countries

(Official publications will be available by September 2012).

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