Unemployment protection

1. Introduction: Shahra Razavi, Director SOCPRO

2. ILO standards on unemployment protection: A primer, Maya Stern Plaza, Social Protection Legal and Standards Officer (Presentation)

3. Protection in case of unemployment – what can be done? 

  • Integration of social protection and employment interventions in Uzbekistan -towards comprehensive unemployment protection? Jasmina Papa, Social Protection Specialist, ILO Moscow
  • Other relevant country experience (based on a set of questions)Luca Pellerano, Senior Social Security Specialist, ILO Beirut, André Picard, Head, Actuarial Services Unit, SOCPRO, Ariel Pino, Senior Social Protection and OSH Specialist, ILO Port of Spain

4. Intervention of EMPLOYMENT colleagues on the links between unemployment protection and employment promotion, Dorothea Schmidt-Klau Head, Department Management and Coordination Unit, EMPLOYMENT, Mauricio Dierckxsens, Employment Policies Specialist, CEPOL

5. Open the floor for discussion and Q&A from other colleagues 

6. Conclusion and next steps, Shahra Razavi, Director SOCPRO

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