Activities and Outputs

The concrete outputs and activities shall be determined when establishing the partnership with the university law clinic in a manner that meet the objectives described above and also the needs, curriculum, conventions and interest of the different universities and law clinics (See Annex 1).


At a minimum, in order to meet the above listed outcomes, the partnership should include the following outputs:

  • Build, consolidate and formalise partnerships between ILO and ITCILO and other University legal clinics of the ENCLE network;
  • Enhance the knowledge of students through the tailor-made course on migrants’ rights on access to work and to social protection
  • Raise awareness and build capacity of migrants, local actors and other stakeholders by developing draft studies and practical tools and use-friendly material for application at the local level on the right to decent work and access to social protection for migrants in Europe;
  • Improve practical application and extension of social protection rights;
  • Enhance the inter-active on-line workspace as a platform for knowledge sharing and discussions; and
  • Share and disseminate the knowledge and in particular the outcomes of the research more widely.

Furthermore, to achieve these outputs, at a minimum, each partnership should consider including the following activities as part of their specific partnership and agreement Terms of References (ToRs):

  1. Development and agreement ToR pilot project amongst partners;
  2. Joint launch seminar on migrants’ right to work and access to social protection;
  3. Research and development of a practical guide for migrants, and asylum seekers and refugees in particular, that provides relevant and reader-friendly information as regards rights at work, access to health and social protection and related administrative procedures;
  4. A synthesis report that summaries the results of the research undertaken by the students participating in the law clinic for the purposes of evaluation, knowledge development and knowledge sharing;
  5. Joint final Seminar to present the results of the research work;
  6. A self-evaluation by participating students, resource persons and key staff involved from the University and their Law Clinic, ILO and ITCILO
  7. Production and translation of publications, practical guidance material and audio/visual tools;
  8. An online platform and audio and visual tools to promote the dissemination of information, raise awareness and capacity building.


It can be noted that, in conjunction with the partner university and their law clinic, the ILO, ITC and ENCLE will be responsible for supporting the development of partnerships with universities and their law clinics and the development of the different individual agreements and ToRs. In addition, together they will support the organisation of the launch and final seminars and participate during these events, notably to discuss this project and past experiences and to disseminate experience and expertise on extending social protection to migrants in line with international labour standards and on developing learning tools and training activities in particular in the field of migration and social protection. The partners will also assist in engaging with and consulting local actors and in particular local authorities as well as local workers and employer’s organizations. They will additionally support the sharing and dissemination of knowledge developed. Finally, they can provide technical inputs and guide the work of the students.

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