Employment counseling training

It is proven that offering integrated packages of services and transfers together with adapted case management systems would be more effective in ensuring quick re-employment of the unemployed and prevent them from falling into poverty.

However, despite the fast increase in the number of insured workers (8.4 million in June 2013) and UI beneficiaries (over 340,000 in June 2013), statistics also show that only less than 2 per cent of unemployed beneficiaries returned to work prior to the end of the benefit entitlements, and only 7,519 have attended a vocational training course sponsored by the UI fund (as per June 2013), accounting for around 2 per cent of the total UI recipients.

A study conducted with the support of the ILO/Japan UI project pointed out that capacity of ESC staff in providing counseling services to unemployed is one of the major concerns among policy makers and beneficiaries. BOE, with the support of the ILO/Japan UI project, will organize a training to enhance vocational training and employment counseling skills of counsellors of 23 selected ESCs, in Binh Duong on 12-13 November 2013.

The workshop aims at:

(i) increasing undertstanding of international labour standards related to unemployment protection,  and employment services;

(ii) equipping ESCs staff  with knowledge, tools and skills to provide better employment  counselling services;

(ii)agreeing on  follow up actions for using new tools and technics across all ESCs nationwide.



Tuesday 12 November

Opening remarks

Module 1

Overview on employment services (ES): core functions, tools and challenges

By Carmela Torres, Senior Skills Development Specialist, ILO

Exercise: Assessment of employment services in Viet Nam

Presentation in plenary

Session moderated by Bureau of Employment

Module 2

International Labour Standards related to employment services, unemployment protection and social security

By Celine Peyron Bista, CTA, ILO/Japan-ASEAN UI Project

Module 3

Types of employment services, target groups, labour market programmes

By Celine Peyron Bista, ILO

Module 4

Overview of employment counselling process, employability dimensions

By Carmela Torres, ILO

Exercise: Review of case studies

Wednesday 13 November

Module 5

Services need determination, role of employment counsellor

By Carmela Torres, ILO

Exercise: Role play

By Carmela Torres, ILO and Loan Ngo Thi, National Project Coordinator, ILO

Module 6

Tools for skills and training needs assessment

By Carmela Torres, ILO

Module 7

Communications skills for counsellors

Mr. Duong Manh Hung – Former UI director

Module 8

Action planning

Concluding remarks