Management Information System

Homepage | Institutional Set-up | Extension of Coverage in Vang Vieng | Costing of Health Care Benefits | Actuarial Valuation of Social Security Law | Management Information System


At present, the different schemes (SASS, SSO, CBHI, and HEFs) run their own membership database and related applications (recording and processing system, accounting system, financial reporting).

The project aims to develop a national Health Insurance member database that helps organize, store and analyze information to be used by all social security and Social Health Protection schemes. At the same time, the project also includes the support of the development of a comprehensive management information system (MIS) that suits the respective needs of each scheme, by taking into account existing plans aiming at their progressive integration.


The effective management of the scheme throughout the country.

Assessment MIS systems coming soon!


Homepage | Institutional Set-up | Extension of Coverage in Vang Vieng | Costing of Health Care Benefits | Actuarial Valuation of Social Security Law | Management Information System