Extension of social protection coverage to workers in the informal economy: innovative approaches of the 1st phase of the Flagship Programmme

Informal employment ranges from 18 per cent in high-income countries, to 67 per cent in middle-income countries and 90 per cent in low-income countries.  The impacts of COVID 19 pandemic on workers informal economy, many of whom were without access to healthcare and sickness benefits, unemployment protection and other social protection guarantees,  intensified  pre-pandemic intentions to extend social protection coverage. With ILO’s technical assistance constituents are redesigning social protection schemes and health services to protection informal workers.

The session will have following structure:


Introduction: From Advocacy to Action

Screening a video: Mobile theatre promotes formal employment in Tajikistan (3 min 17  s)


Presentation of key issues (ILO moderator 3 minutes)


What has been done as a response to COVID? Can it be scaled up and made sustainable?

Country examples 7 min

Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan,Tajikistan


Moderated Q&A


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