Presentations and handouts

5 December

1. Trends, developments and basic concepts - Presentation by Ms. Clara van Panhuys, ILO

2. Group work - Obstacles faced by specific groups

Handounts on agricultural and seasonal migrant workers,

Handouts on migrant domestic workers,

Handouts on migrant workers in irregular situations

Handouts on refugees.

3. Group work - Identifying solutions to address obstacles faced by specific groups (national level, regional level and AUC if relevant)

Presentation of findings and discussion - slides on obstacles and solutions

4. Principles and International Standards - protecting and extending social protection to Migrant workers and their families - Presentation by Ms. Victoire Umuhire, ILO

Myths and truth discussion

Time-line exercise

6 December

5. Coordination of social security : Social Security Agreements - Presentation by Mr. Andrew Allieu, ILO

6. Sharing of sub regional experiences

Social security coordination in EAC Partner States - presentation by Mr. Stephen Niyonzima, EAC

ECOWAS - presentation by Dr. Fernando Jorge Alves D'Almada

SADC - presentation by Ms. Zoe Angela Isaacs, SADC

AUC’s role in supporting  the RECs

7. Other Policy options for extending SP to migrant workers including those in the informal economy - Presentation by Ms. Clara van Panhuys, ILO

8. Take-away lessons and conclusions - Presentation by Ms. Victoire Umuhire, ILO